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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

TikTik: The Aswang Chonicles

see full trailer here

Haters gonna hate but that doesn't make this any less of a good movie. The intro was way too long though.

The story generally revolves on a one-night-only battle with the minions of the dark. There's not much reference to the characters' back stories - just that Lovi Poe is pregnant and is due anytime, Dingdong Dantes is the father. Janice de Belen and Joey Marquez are Lovi's parents. And the enigmatic Ramon Bautista... for comic relief - a refreshing change from the usual pinoy movie.

The suspense since indeed were hold-your-breath worthy. The action scenes were, well... action-packed.

It also takes on the usual aswang nuances: pregnant women, salt, bawang and buntot-pagi.
The film's treatment is comicbook-esque. Shot in one set, in green screen, the cinematography did not look cheesy. The digital aswangs (although, some would say were copied from Resident Evil) were great; it looked like each CGI aswang was given ample time to be developed to make sure they look a bit different from each other.

Hopefully they make another soon.And although it's a breakthrough in Philippine Cinema, hopefully the craft gets developed NOT COPIED.

Their website ain't half-bad either.
see the movie's website here

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