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Wednesday, September 19, 2012


There are no bad movies, only unappreciative viewers.

Quoting an old adage "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder", there are actually no bad movies. Even those old skin flicks that were made to make a quick buck have something to appreciate. They might not be as artsy-fartsy, but at the very least they do not pretend to be profound and deep. (I can name a few though, recently shown, that seem to try so hard - and fail- to come off as "artsy").

Movies are there for 3 reasons:

1. Profit -movies are priced. If I learned anything watching Entourage, it's that movies primarily have to make money. Of course it takes money to make money. But then again, if the main thrust of movies would be just to "entertain", they movie outfits would just do well to break even.

2. Launch - in order to make profit, the people behind movies should be "marketable". Movies are great avenues to launch fresh meat- products- either actors, directors, producers or writers.

3. Innuendo - Much like blogs, books and songs, movies reach out to try and touch people who can relate and hopefully make a buck off them.

Pick your movie, sit back and relax. It's just a movie.

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